Preventive Dentistry

Preventive Services in Raleigh, NC

woman.smiling dental

Preventive dentistry and focuses on maintaining optimal dental health by avoiding cavities, gum disease, and other dental problems. At home, preventive dentistry involves brushing and flossing your teeth properly. In our dental office, some of the preventive services we offer include routine dental cleanings and check-ups for children and adults, fluoride treatment, dental sealants, and diagnostic X-rays.

The benefits of preventive dentistry are numerous and include early detection of dental problems, promotion of good oral hygiene, and prevention of chronic diseases related to dental problems like heart issues, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, and kidney disease. 

Experience Excellence in Dental Care

Woodall & McNeill offers preventative dental services for the entire family here in Raleigh, NC, to help with all your dental requirements. Our team of dental professionals, including our dentists, hygienists, dental assistants, and patient coordinators are good at what they do and dedicated to helping patients achieve the best oral health.

Experience excellence in dental care with Woodall & McNeill. Call us or visit our office to learn more about the dental services we offer.