Effective TMJ Treatment in Raleigh, NC

TMJ pain

You chew, smile, laugh, and talk with your mouth and teeth. Those are seamless movements you don’t need to pay attention to unless you have a TMJ disorder. It’s a jaw problem that causes pain whenever facial movement occurs. Read on to learn the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments for a TMJ disorder.

What is a TMJ Disorder?

Your jaw and the temporal bones in front of your ears are hinged by your temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Any problem related to the facial muscles controlling the jaw or the joint itself is known as TMJ disorder. Your doctor may also refer to it as a TMJ dysfunction or TMJ problem. However, most people just refer to it as TMJ.

The TMJ disorder can be brought on by any of the following:

  1. Injury to the TMJ, jaw, or neck muscles.
  2. Bruxism or the constant grinding or clenching of teeth that aggravates the TMJ.
  3. Movement of the disk between the joint’s ball and socket.
  4. Joint arthritis.
  5. Stress that makes you grind your teeth.

Symptoms of TMJ Disorder

Adults in the 20–40 age range are the most typically affected by TMJ disorders. It might affect one or both sides of the face and linger for months or years. Below are the usual TMJ disorder symptoms:

  • Tenderness or pain in the jaw joint area, neck, shoulders, and surrounding your ears
  • Issues with bite or jaw alignment
  • Problems trying to open your mouth
  • Jaws that become “stuck” or locked
  • Clicking or cracking sounds coming from the joint
  • Difficulty in chewing
  • Toothaches
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Soreness in your upper shoulders and neck

How to Diagnose TMJ

To diagnose TMJ in Raleigh, NC, it is best to consult our dentist at Woodall & McNeill. During the diagnosis process, your dentist inquires about your medical history and does a physical examination, just like with any dental procedure. To give your dentist a comprehensive picture of your teeth, jaws, and TMJs, you will have full facial X-rays taken. An MRI or CT Scan may be required if your TMJ disc moves incorrectly.

Our dentist may also suggest a TMJ arthroscopy to diagnose a TMJ problem. To do a closer examination and provide a diagnosis, an arthroscope and a tiny, thin tube known as a cannula are inserted near your jaw joint during this procedure.

TMJ Disorder Treatments

Some of the symptoms of TMJ may go away on their own. In cases where these symptoms persist, your dentist will suggest various TMJ treatments.

First, you may be sent to an oral surgeon (sometimes called an oral and maxillofacial surgeon) for TMJ treatment. Surgical procedures encompassing the entire face, mouth, and jaw are among the specialties of this specialist.

You may also see an orthodontist to ensure optimal function of your teeth, muscles, and joints. Your orthodontist may suggest mouthguards and therapy as non-drug treatments. To help alleviate the symptoms, your doctor might possibly prescribe you some medicine, like pain relievers, anti-inflammatories, and muscle relaxants.

Relieve Jaw Pain and Discomfort

You should see Woodall & McNeill right away for proper diagnosis if you have been experiencing any symptoms of TMJ Disorder. Our dentists provide treatments for TMJ in Raleigh, NC, that can help alleviate jaw pain and discomfort.

Call us for an initial consultation regarding your TMJ issues today!